Category: Bible Story Poems
Tell Peter And Simon Peter stood and warmed himself. -John 18:25.
Peter, it was not outward cold
But inward chill thy bosom froze,
Made thee deny with falsehood bold
Thy Lord and Master to his foes.
When we find cheer at Satan's fires
The world is there to work us harm,
To deaden all our pure desires
With its deceitful lure and charm.
Peter, the voice of chanticleer
Fulfilled what Christ had prophesied;
And oh, that pitying look sincere
From him whom thou hadst just denied!
Thy burst of penitential grief!
Heaven those tears did surely send.
Tears give the burdened heart relief;
Dry anguish may its tendrils rend.
Sin soon will crucify our Lord,
Thy sin, and all the world's beside.
He gave himself, the Living Word,
Our shelter from God's wrath to hide.
Had all the seraphs pens to write
Such love upon the boundless sky,
Angelic powers could not indite
Its greatness while the ages fly.
The hour is hastening. God has willed
That Christ should through his own decree
Abolish death and have fulfilled
Our blood-bought immortality.
And when the awful tomb he rent,
When freed from every earthly thrall,
"Tell Peter" was the message sent;
"Tell Peter"-'tis love's tender call.
Peter was martyr to his faith;
His rock, God's son whom he denied;
This faith the key that unlocks death
To realms where joy and peace abide.
"Tell Peter!" Honey drops of love,
Awaking all the choirs of heaven!
"Tell Peter"-angels from above
Shout, "Hear, O earth, and be forgiven!" - Nannie R. Glass |
