"And the children of Israel wept for Moses in the plains of Moab."--Deut. xxxiv, 8.
Weep, weep for him, the Man of God--
In yonder vale he sunk to rest;
But none of earth can point the sod
That flowers above his sacred breast.
Weep, children of Israel, weep!
His doctrine fell like Heaven's rain.
His words refreshed like Heaven's dew--
Oh, ne'er shall Israel see again
A Chief, to GOD and her so true.
Weep, children of Israel, weep!
Remember ye his parting gaze,
His farewell song by Jordan's tide,
When, full of glory and of days,
He saw the promised land--and died.
Weep, children of Israel, weep!
Yet died he not as men who sink,
Before our eyes, to soulless clay;
But, changed to spirit, like a wink
Of summer lightning, past away.
Weep, children of Israel, weep! - Sir Thomas Moore |