Now when Jesus was born in Bethlehem of Judea. -Matthew 2:1.
Bethlehem, where Christ was born,
Bethlehem, the Christian's star!
Bethlehem's prophetic morn
Echoed ages from afar.
Where the shepherds heard the song
Heralding the holy birth,
Tidings that would right the wrong,
News of joy from heaven to earth.
This the song the angels sang:
"Peace on earth, good will to men."
Glory in the highest rang,
Glory now and glory then.
Christ, the king of earth and heaven,
Gave himself to cleanse our sin;
Through his blood we are forgiven
And eternal life may win.
Come to him with every woe;
He has said, "Come unto me."
Better refuge none can know
Whither to safely, gladly flee.
Well may hallelujahs ring
O'er God's gift from heaven above;
Yet, although the angels sing,
Angels cannot tell his love. - Nannie R. Glass |