I heard a voice--twas the voice of Spring,
Up from the rivulets murmuring,
Singing of freedom,--thus the lay
On the breezes floated away--
"Joy! joy!--the chains that bound us
Now disappear,
Sunlight pours its treasures round us,
Warm, warm and clear,
Onward, speeding onward
To the bright main,
Chainless, free, unfettered,
Are we again!"
I heard a voice--'twas the voice of Spring,
Out from the hill sides whispering,
And a tender strain from the woodland lone
Blended with it in murmurous tone--
"Joy! joy!--the world is waking
From her long rest,--
Earth a glow of warmth is taking
To her chill breast,--
Tiny flower germs, hidden
Long out of sight,
Stealing forth unbidden,
Seek the warm light!"
I heard a voice--'twas the voice of Spring,
Over the waters wandering,
As to the wilds came the song birds back,
Singing still in their homeward track--
"Joy! joy!--we're home returning
To the free hills,
From our long and far sojourning,
Now, to the rills,
To the echoing forest.
Orchard and plain,
With our old-time music,
Speed we again!"
I heard a voice--'twas the voice of Spring,--
Nature, all Nature awoke to sing;
And every valley, and grove, and plain
Had its share in the welcome strain:--
"Joy! joy!--the chains are broken,
Spring smiles again,--
Joy for every blessed token
Of her glad reign,--
Joy on all the waters,
Joy on each shore.--
Sunlight, song, sweet odors,
Welcome once more!" - Mrs. J. C. Yule |